Do as you told

Art by Banksy

Art by Banksy

Adults are really good at telling
kids just what to do -
Often scolding, sometimes yelling
things they wish we knew.

And on the whole their recommendations
aren’t so very bad -
If only they would follow them,
themselves, if just a tad!

The golden rule we learn in school -
love neighbors as yourself -
But lots of neighbors in need of favors
have nowhere to go for help.

And if sharing is caring and caring is sharing,
then why are so many without?
Without food, without shoes, without pennies to lose -
while there’s plenty of riches about?

And with missiles soaring, countries warring,
they’ve forgotten their own advice:
No fighting, no biting, don’t think of inciting,
but always - in smallways - be nice.

Eat vegetables, act respectable,
listen much more than you speak.
Stand up for your friends, for in the end,
the strong must stand with the weak.

We hear your words, we’re listening!
We’re listening to you!
But we’re also watching,
and learn more from what you do.

As someone* somewhere once did say
about influencing others:
"Example isn't the best thing,
it's the only thing” my brother.”

*[Albert Schweitzer]


Me-er than I


Self discipline